30 Days Fitness Challenge

Starting Date: 16 July, 2017
Ending Date: 15 August, 2017

So here are the rules, more of the challenges:

1- Achieve a HITT run everyday
2- Perform some sort of an AB workout everyday
3- Work on your stretching aiming for a perfect split by the end of the 30 days.

The run doesn't have to be for hours, start slow and steady until you can pick you your own pace.

The Ab's workouts don't have to be super intense, just get used to the routine, they you can make it tougher as you go.

You don't have to end up with a perfect split, but aim for a change, maybe more flexibility or a shorter distance from the ground.

I'm here to also challenge myself and have a better, healthier, and a more flexible body by the end of this challenge.

Reem's speaking.


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